Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Big Top and Two Other Items

E. Boyer

“The more things change the more they stay the same.”  Ahhh, truer words have never been spoken…or written, to be precise.  Would this not have been a delightful time for Alphonse Karr to write for the Piedmont Post?  A heyday for the keen satirist!   

Didn’t someone in weeks past predict that Mr. Booker would be the new Superintendent and therefore why waste taxpayer dollars on the search?  I could have sworn I read that somewhere.  I have to say that it was a bit of letdown after all the drumroll and Ivy League chatter.  I was expecting a Leland Stanford and instead got more of a P.T. Barnum.  Go figure!  Why not throw in a couple of show ponies to sit on the school board and we’d have ourselves a three-ring circus!

But, since we chose the path of least resistance, I have to wonder if we might just as well have skipped the faux superintendent search and put the taxpayer dollars to better use in, say…the classroom.  I know, I’m like a broken record…classroom, classroom, classroom.  So boring and yet so crucial to things like...a school.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all Ages.  Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!"


 Two items in last week’s Post that didn’t make it to the Big Top, but I just had to mention:

  1) Do You want To Sleep With Me?  Good Christ!! Mr. Wieler, please don’t ever write those words again.  Sheesh!!

22) Mr. Hoag, be assured that my traditional, wood-burning fireplace soothes my troubled soul at this very moment with it’s glowing embers.  In fact, a wood burning fireplace is second only to chicken pot pie on my “warm and fuzzy list.”  But, surely you’ve read about the inefficiencies of such a fireplace.  Soul-soothing, indeed, but one of those new-fangled, energy efficient gas jobs might make your home even more attractive to the environmentally/health minded types who are buying houses these days.  Heck, you might want to install one now while you still live there so you can enjoy it.   Imbeciles everywhere are doing it!  Helpful hint: Imbecile may not be your most effective choice for addressing the folks at the BAAQMD.  Just saying…