Alice In The Insane Asylum
E. Boyer
Thank goodness for Mr. Sakol’s letter to the Post last week regarding Piedmont’s pool and swim club. This issue, which has been so confusing to me, is now suddenly so clear…….NOT!! Good Lord, what in the world is Mr. Sakol talking about and what in heaven’s name is going on with the pool? Also, for the love of God, before you submit a letter to be printed anywhere please have someone else take a look at it just in case it makes absolutely no sense at all! If you submit something that will be read by a whole bunch of people I believe you have an obligation to make it either accurate or entertaining or both. With all the references to Alice in Wonderland, Humpty Dumpty, funding the dream, flow rates, Josh Bernstein and acrimony the least we could have expected was a 3-D experience. Reading the article made me feel like I’d actually lost my mind! It was like Grimm’s fairytales meets bladder control commercial meets Kevin Costner’s Field of Dreams starring Josh Bernstein all narrated by Edgar Allen Poe. Please, make it stop! “The DEH inspector who closed the pool found it was in compliance” Huh?? “The club has never cost the taxpayers a dime.” Do the words lost revenue mean anything to anyone in this town?? Geez, I dunno and I sure as heck can’t make any sense out of that incoherent “real story” regarding the pool. No kidding, can we pinkie swear right here and now that if we ever submit something to a newspaper it will sort of make sense. Seriously, can we?