A Piedmont resident and satirist of
civic foible, as described by my publisher. I liked the sound of
civic foible..catchy..so, I'm stickin' with it. Aside from the blog, my column appears in the Piedmont Post. The folks at The Post say that my anonymity has driven some readers crazy. I've discovered this...anonymity is more fun for everyone...really! It's more fun for me because I can write about all sorts of things without worrying about the fluffy filters and barriers that can make things boring and I can also sleep at night knowing that my neighbor won't poison my cat because of something I said. It's more fun for the reader because if they happen to be a friend but loathe the column they don't have to suffer sitting next to me at a dinner party pretending that my last column didn't enfuriate them. Or, if they've never really liked me as a person but actually love reading the column...well, then it's just awkward. So, you see, anonymity really is a marvelous thing. Besides, I'm much more intersting on the page than I am in person...